If you're into sports and working up a good sweat or you've experienced dehydration from having a fever and not drinking enough fluids, you may know that when you lose body water you also lose electrolytes. Electrolytes are minerals found in body fluids that conduct electrical signals in the body that help maintain muscle function, body fluid levels, blood pH, and more. If you drink sports drinks and you're trying to cut back on sugar - which can be found in many bottled sports drinks - you can make your own at home with just a few ingredients? Here are three easy and refreshing DIY sports drinks.
CLC (Cucumber-Lime-Coconut Water) Boost
½ cucumber
2 limes, peeled
1 ½ cups coconut water
Juice the cucumber and limes; combine the juices with coconut water. Place some ice into a drinking glass. Pour the CLC electrolyte boost over the ice. Enjoy.
Orange-Lemon-Honey Boost
3 cups filtered water
1 cup orange juice
½ cup lemon juice
3 tablespoons raw honey
½ teaspoon salt
Place the water, orange juice, lemon juice, honey, and salt in a blender; blend thoroughly. Place some ice into a drinking glass. Pour the orange-lemon-honey boost over the ice. Enjoy.
Watermelon-Coconut Water Boost
1 quarter watermelon, seeded
2 large glasses of coconut water
Pinch of Himalayan sea salt
Place watermelon, coconut water, and salt in a blender; blend thoroughly. Place some ice into a drinking glass. Pour the watermelon-coconut water boost over the ice. Enjoy.